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AKA.N Symposium 2023

Multiculturalism and Multimodality in Architecture – Part Two”

Symposium Date: 3-4 August 2023

Venue : School of Built Environment, Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture, UNSW SYDNEY, Australia.

  • Symposium Plenary Sessions: Webster Theatre A (Robert Webster building)
  • Workshops and Catering: Lv.2 (#2001) – Built Environment (Anita B. Lawrence Centre or Red Centre, West Wing)

심포지움 장소로 오시기 위해서는, 라이트레일 (경전철)을 이용하시는 것이 가장 빠르고, 안전합니다. L 자 붙은 지상역에서 출발하셔서 L3 Kingsford 쪽으로 가는 L3 경전철을 타시고, UNSW Anzac Parade 에서 내리신 후, 대학내 주 진입로를 따라 들어오시다보면, 오른쪽 (위 지도에서 아래쪽) 으로 건축대학 빌딩 (Anita B. Lawrence Centre) 이 보이실 것입다. Built Environment 의 B 가 크게 보이기 때문에 쉽게 찾으실 수 있을 것이며, 워크샵 장소는 그 빌딩 2층으로 오신후 2001 호로 찾아오시면 됩니다. 심포지움 장소는 건축대학 건물 대각선으로 맞은편 Robert Webster 빌딩의 Webster Theatre A 입니다. 로비와 바로 연결된 지상 층에 있습니다.

Chair: Dr Ju Hyun Lee (

Program Coordinator: Esraa Aljawi (

Sponsors: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) – Australia-Korea Foundation (AKF) and UNSW Sydney (Scientia Program)

The COVID-19 pandemic challenged this globalised creative industry in unprecedented ways, forcing both large and small architectural design practices to change their operations in this rapid digital transformation of communication and collaboration. This symposium seeks to understand and overcome the emerging challenges, “Multiculturalism and Multimodality in Architecture”, of working in remote, bilingual creative teams, leading to opportunities for international designers and industries. 

세계화된 크리에이티브 산업은 COVID-19 대유행에 의한 전례 없는 방식의 도전을 경험하고 있습니다. 크고 작은 디자인 건축 실무들도 커뮤니케이션 및 협업의 급속한 디지털 전환에에 따라 운영방식을 변화하도록 강요되고 있습니다. 이 심포지움은, “건축의 다문화주의와 다중양식”의 주제아래, 이러한 도전들을 이해하고 극복하고, 원격, 이중언어 (두나라간) 크리에티브 팀들이 함께 효과적으로 일함으로써, 국제적 디자이너들과 산업들의 기회를 선도하고자 합니다.

Specifically, the second AKAN Symposium further explores and discusses about communication/collaboration challenges faced by architectural teams working remotely and support efficient and sustainable design collaboration between designers working in a diverse range of environments.

특히, 이 두번째 AKAN 심포지움은 원격으로 작업하는 건축 팀이 직면한 커뮤니케이션/협업 과제를 탐구하고, 다양한 (다문화적인) 환경에서 작업하는 디자이너 간의 효율적이고 지속 가능한 설계 협업을 논의하고자 합니다.

This second part of our international journey highlights:

  • Follow-up studies (see the last year’s abstract book), which will be included in an edited book (Multimodality in Architecture: Collaboration, Technology and Communication) published by Springer Nature,
  • New ideas on the AKA.N themes.

Pre-symposium PHD seminar – A3LAB seminar (Room #2001), 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM, 3 August (Thursday)

Panel (Michael J. Ostwald, Ju Hyun Lee)

  • Examining the Statistical Distribution (Variance, Skewness, and Kurtosis) of Socio-spatial Patterns in Sydney’s Ethnic Communities (Ling Zhou)
  • Automated, Syntactic Layout Generation for Saudi Housing Design: A Combined Method of Machine Learning and Space Syntax (Esraa Aljawi)
  • Why Do We Use Space Syntax? A Comparative Study of Syntactic Techniques (Rui Wu)

Symposium Program (4 August, Friday)

AKA.N workshop (Room #2001), 10:00 AM – 11:50 AM

  • Workshop 1: Biometrics in Architecture (Panel: Han Jong Jun / Seung Yeul Ji / Michael J. Dawes)
  • Workshop 2: Design Thinking in Online Teamwork (Panel: Mi Jeong Kim / Ju Hyun Lee / Maria Roberts)

Lunch (Speakers and Panel – The Lounge, Participants – #2001 Catering Serice )

AKA.N Symposium (Webster Theatre A), 1:20 PM – 4:50 PM

Opening remark (Michael J. Ostwald) 1:20 PM

  • Plenary session 1: Digital Design and Building Information Modelling (1:30 PM – 3:00 PM, Panel: Ju Hyun Lee/Hoon Han)
    • Development of BIM-based Building Maintenance Framework for Architectural Heritage (Jong Jin Park)
    • Development of Collective Intelligence for Building Energy Efficiency (Lan Ding)
    • Gen AI and Spatial Design: Applying Buildings’ Interior Design Styles using Fine-tuned Models (Jin-Kook Lee)
    • Sensing Architecture and EEG Visualization: An Approach to Interactive Spatial Design (Se Yeon Kang)
  • Plenary session 2: Computer Supported Collaborative Design (CSCD) and Culture (3:10 PM – 4:40 PM, Panel: Lan Ding/Ning Gu)
    • Exploring the Potential of a Collaborative Platform in Design Collaboration Emphasizing Co-Evolution in Problem-Solving (Mi Jeong Kim)
    • Evaluating Digital Technologies in Supporting Design Collaboration (Rongrong Yu)
    • Online Design Collaboration Across Cultures: A Cognitive-Sociotechnical Approach (Ju Hyun Lee)
    • Pattern Languages: Past, Present, and Future (Michael J. Dawes)
  • Closing (Ju Hyun Lee) 4:40 PM

Important Dates (Book chapter):

  • Paper submission deadline: 9 July 2023
  • Notification of acceptance/rejection with reviews: 15 August 2023
  • Submission revised (final) papers: 17 September 2023