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AKAN Symposium 2022 at Hanyang Univ.

AKAN 2022

Multiculturalism and Multimodality in Architecture”

A Virtual Symposium (Hybrid mode) will be hosted by Hanyang Univ. (South Korea) and UNSW Sydney (Australia).

Date: 25 August 2022 (Thursday) + 24 August (pre-symposium workshop)

Venue (Hybrid): Room No. 707 at Advanced Materials & Chemical Engineering Building (신소재공학관 707호), Hanyang Univ.

Steering Chair: Dr Ju Hyun Lee (

Local Chair: Prof Mi Jeong Kim(

Program Coordinator: Dr Samaneh Arasteh ( or

Local Coordinator: Xiaowen Tong


The COVID-19 pandemic challenged this globalised creative industry in unprecedented ways, forcing both large and small architectural design practices to change their operations in this rapid digital transformation of communication and collaboration. This symposium seeks to understand and overcome the emerging challenges, “Multiculturalism and Multimodality in Architecture”, of working in remote, bilingual creative teams, leading to opportunities for international designers and industries. 

세계화된 크리에이티브 산업은 COVID-19 대유행에 의한 전례 없는 방식의 도전을 경험하고 있습니다. 크고 작은 디자인 건축 실무들도 커뮤니케이션 및 협업의 급속한 디지털 전환에에 따라 운영방식을 변화하도록 강요되고 있습니다. 이 심포지움은, “건축의 다문화주의와 다중양식”의 주제아래, 이러한 도전들을 이해하고 극복하고, 원격, 이중언어 (두나라간) 크리에티브 팀들이 함께 효과적으로 일함으로써, 국제적 디자이너들과 산업들의 기회를 선도하고자 합니다.

Specifically, this Symposium explores communication/collaboration challenges faced by architectural teams working remotely and support efficient and sustainable design collaboration between designers working in a diverse range of environments.

특히, 이 심포지움은 원격으로 작업하는 건축 팀이 직면한 커뮤니케이션/협업 과제를 탐구하고 다양한 (다문화적인) 환경에서 작업하는 디자이너 간의 효율적이고 지속 가능한 설계 협업을 논의하고자 합니다.


  • Theme 1: Digital Design Collaboration (Chair: Prof. Mi Jeong Kim)

  • Theme 2: Building Information Modelling (Chair: A/Prof Jin-Kook Lee and Dr Ju Hyun Lee)

  • Theme 3: Computer Supported Collaborative Design (CSCD) (Chair: A/Prof Lan Ding)

  • Theme 4: Design and culture (Chair: A/Prof Dijana Alic and Prof Mladen Jadric)

After the 2022 symposium, selected abstracts* will be invited to submit their full papers (for the 2023 symposium) that will be published in an edited Q1 book in 2023 or later.

심포지움 발표자들은 마감일까지 초록을 제출하시고, 발표에 선정되시면, 약 5분정도 아이디어를 원하는 세션에서 발표하시게 됩니다. 2022 년 심포지움에서 선택된 초록들은 2023년 심포지움을 위한 논문을 제출하도록 초대될 예정이며, 그 논문들은 2023 년 또는 그 후에 Q1 책으로 출판될 예정입니다.

* Selected presenters for the 2023 Symposium at UNSW Sydney will be given their return flight tickets (e.g., Sydney to Seoul or Sydney to Adelaide) in 2023.

AKAN 2022 Pre-Symposium virtual workshop (24 August 2022)

Seoul time (Virtual)Sydney time (Virtual)Workshop program (Chair: Dr Michael J. Dawes)
2:00 – 3:00 pm3:00 – 4:00 pm* The changing syntactic patterns of public housing in Sydney over time (Rui Wu)
* Developing a Balanced Smart Urban Context focusing on Human Experience (Min Jee Nikki Han, Mi Jeong Kim)
* Spatial-cultural diversity in the built environment: Diversity, inclusion and sustainability (Ling Zhou)
* Examining the socio-spatial relationships between traditional and contemporary housing
designs (Esraa Aljawi, Ju Hyun Lee and Michael J. Ostwald)

AKAN 2022 Symposium timetable (25 August 2022) at Hanyang Univ.

Seoul time (Hybrid)Sydney time (Virtual)Symposium Program
9:30 – 10:00 am10:30 – 11:00 amWelcome Keynote address – Prof. Michael J. Ostwald
10:00 – 10:50 am11:00 – 11:50 amSession (theme) 1 – Digital Design Collaboration (Prof. Mi Jeong Kim)
* Real-time Decision Making in The Design and Operation of Adaptive Buildings (Suleiman Alhadidi)
* Project Management and collaboration methodology in a new flexible working environment (Jaegeun Lim)
* Exploration of virtual architectural design studios: A case study in an Australian university (Rongrong Yu, Ning Gu)
* Collaborative learning environment based on the continuity of reality and virtual reality (Mi Jeong Kim, Myung Eun Cho, Da Yeon Park)
11:00 – 11:50 am12:00 – 12:50 pmSession (theme) 2 – Building Information Modelling (A/Prof Jin-Kook Lee and Dr Ju Hyun Lee)
* BIM-enabled design collaboration in distributed environments (Samaneh Arasteh, Ju Hyun Lee, Michael J. Ostwald)
* AI-assisted BIM techs development project (Jin-Kook Lee)
* Development of BIM-based building maintenance system for architectural heritages (Jong Jin Park, Kyeonghwan Kim, Seung Yeul Ji, Han Jong Jun)
* Dynamic evolution of collaboration network on BIM-based projects in Hong Kong (Xiaoying Li)
Lunch timeCatering service or Lunch in Hanyang Univ.
1:00 – 1:50 pm2:00 – 2:50 pmSession (theme) 3 – Computer Supported Collaborative Design (CSCD) (A/Prof Lan Ding)
* Towards Multi-Sensory Design: Collaborative Placemaking through Immersive Environments (Rui Wang)
* Augmented Reality-based Historical Architecture Repair History Data Visualization and
Management System (Mi Kyoung Kim, Jin Cheol Bae , Seung Yeul Ji, Han Jong Jun)
* Remote collaborative design processes between distributed designers and across cultures (Ju Hyun Lee, Michael J. Ostwald)
2:00 – 3:20 pm3:00 – 4:20 pmSession (theme) 4 – Design and culture (A/Prof Dijana Alic and Prof Mladen Jadric)
Professional talks (50 min)
* Exploring the complexities of cross-cultural collaborations: Two international practices (Mladen Jadric, Geun Ju Yoon)
* Cross-cultural Architectural communication: Detail, sincerity and respect (Geun Ju Yoon)
* Collaborative design: cross cultures and diversity (David Holm)
* Hassell’s International collaborations (David Tickle)
Academic talks (30 min)
* Culture and environment in open spaces within large dense urban living blocks (Minjung Maing)
* Pattern languages as means of cultural exchange (Michael J. Dawes, Michael J. Oswald)
3:20 – 3:30 pm4:20 – 4:30 pmClosing